Dragon Quest X Translation Project


Table of Contents


Several of DQX’s settings (Sound, BGM, controller settings, keyboard settings, etc.) are controlled in an external utility packaged with the game named DQXConfig.exe. This configuration is entirely in Japanese and additionally will display a bunch of question marks if you don’t have the Japanese language pack installed on your computer. It has been updated to reflect the English language instead.



You’re finished. You can run this file directly or open it using any other method (in the launcher, click the purple Dracky or directly in game) and the English launcher will be used.


Opening the config causes my antivirus to trigger

This is a false positive and is due to the original file being modified to insert the English text. You will need to allow the program to continue to run and/or allow it in your antivirus tool. This assumes you have downloaded the modified tool from this page.