Dragon Quest X Translation Project


Table of Contents


DQX’s launcher is entirely in Japanese. This version of the launcher does some swaps of the Japanese assets (images and text) with English assets. This makes it easier to navigate and read error messages.



You’re finished. Open DQX like you usually would and you’ll see the modified launcher.


Opening the launcher causes my antivirus to trigger

This is a false positive and is due to the original file being modified to insert the English text. You will need to allow the program to continue to run and/or allow it in your antivirus tool. This assumes you have downloaded the modified tool from this page.

When I double click on DQXLauncher.exe, nothing happens

This is normal. You aren’t intended to open the file directly. If you must, you need to open DQXBoot.exe, which then opens DQXLauncher.exe.